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I was in my early 30s before I was able to admit that I had grown up in a home with addiction, abuse, and untreated mental illness---which might seem surprising for someone with a PhD in Sociology, specializing in family studies!


That's how powerful childhood trauma, and the denial associated with it, can be. Breaking through that denial forced me to examine my life through an entirely different lens, which raised uncomfortable questions, such as:


How could I have ignored what happened to me for so long?

Am I irreparably damaged? 

What do I do with all the anger and fear I've been living with all my life?


In the beginning, I tried conventional approaches to healing (reading, therapy, support groups) but they only took me so far. I knew I needed something deeper to heal the spiritual wound I still carried. My search for wholeness led me to study and train in yoga, mindfulness and meditation, energy healing (especially Reiki), sound healing, and breathwork. Drawing on all that I have learned over nearly three decades, I work with individuals who are looking to heal from a wide range of trauma experiences. Working together, we craft an approach that meets their needs, right where they are, to help them build more peaceful, joyful lives.


I would be honored to work with you.

Ronni Tichenor

Personal Coach

Specializing in Assisting
Survivors of Childhood Trauma

If your family relationships are an ongoing source of pain, you may be a trauma survivor

Take this quiz to find out

Ronni Tichenor
Assisting Survivors of Childhood Trauma
  • ronnitichenor
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